Friday, September 11, 2015

Guidance Classes

Guidance classes start in the 3rd grade at Warren L. Miller School. Guidance class is a time where students work on Character Education and building self-knowledge. The first two Guidance classes, of all grade levels, are a time to discuss all classroom expectations and get to know one another. We are on our third week of school and after reviewing expectations in class, we are ready for classroom units to begin. The 3rd grades will be focusing on Respecting People, The Environment and Traditions. The 4th grades are going to work on the topic of Cooperation and the 5th and 6th grades are going to participate in a mini-lesson on Assertion Skills/Peer Pressure.
The 6th grade Safety Monitors are also out and about in our school, making sure that we are a school that is Safe. Respectful and Responsible. The safety monitors can also be seen helping out at our school store, which operates every other Friday, of each month, from 8:00-8:30 in the Guidance classroom.